Our tutors are supportive and qualified. Helping students is not just a job, but it is a way of life for us. Some of our tutors are college-educated & some have Masters degrees. Our professional tutors are very energetic, well-rounded, friendly, and highly motivating. All staff at Bravo are involved in teaching, including our founder and president.


Name:  Abdul
Major:  Physics
Subjects:  Algebra - Geometry - Physics - Organic Chemistry
Quote:  "The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." - Herbert Spencer
Name:  Amaras
Major:  Political Science - Law School
Subjects:  Algebra - English - History - AP Psychology
Quote:  "The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss


Name:  Aren
Major:  Computer Science
Subjects:  Algebra - Geometry - PreCalculus - Calculus - Physics - Chemistry - European History - Eastern Armenian - Chess
Quote:  ""
Name:  Arpine
Major:  Biology - Medical School
Subjects:  Algebra - English - Geometry - AP Chemistry - Organic Chemistry - Biology - AP US History - Spanish - MS Word - Eastern Armenian
Quote:  "If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn." - Ignacio Nacho Estrada
Name:  Artin
Major:  Business Administration
Subjects:  English - US History - Chess
Quote:  "Develop a passion for learning.  If you do, you will never cease to grow." - Anthony J. D'Angelo
Name:  Celia 
Bilogy - Dental School
Subjects:  Algebra - Geometry - US History - English - Biology - French
Quote:  ""           






Name:  Garen
Major:  BS in Astrophysics
Subjects:  Algebra - PreCalculus - Physics - Astronomy - US History - Chess
Quote:  ""
Name:  Hovik
Major:  MS in Computer Science, BS in Math
Subjects:  Algebra - Geometry - Trigonometry - PreCalculus - MS Excel - Chess
Quote: "Education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the mind to think." - Albert Einstein


Name:  Nicolas
Major:  Computer Science
Subjects:  Algebra - PreCalculus - English - AP History - Art History 
Quote:  "The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding." - Leonardo da Vinci
Name:  Rafif
Major:  Political Science - Pharmacy School
Subjects:  History - Spanish - Physiology - Art History
Quote: ""


Name:  Robert
Major:  Architecture
Subjects:  Algebra - English - US History
Quote:  "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey"
Name:  Zareh
Major:  MS in Education, BS in Physics
Subjects:  Physics - Algebra - Geometry - Trigonometry - Calculus - Statistics
Quote:  "Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge." - Kahlil Gibran